Khushboo Shah

Dr. Khushboo Shah

"It's a BEAUTIFUL LIFE!!....
I say that now but it wasn't always this way. For as long as I remember I was always searching, looking for something, someone who would make me happy. Who would finally understand me, get me and not feel different ALL the time. Maybe I would find that perfect career in that perfect place with the perfect people so that I finally fit in and we make the world a better place. Or maybe just help me feel a little better about myself. So I always pushed myself, no matter what. So then I became a dentist..... So from the outside this is how everything looked, a dentist, a good student, intelligent, good at sports, dancing, drumming, a hard core environmentalist...pushing myself to do everything I could possibly do so that I finally feel good about myself...maybe even a little happy.

But of course none of that worked. I was dying inside...days where I've just cried..locked in my room. I wanted to change everything...rebel from my absolute core...but hit a brick wall at every turn. So finally, one day I decided to change everything about myself. I quit dentistry, I quit my clinic, my relationship of 6 years ended and I found myself looking for answers. Clinical hypnotherapy was the first step...but that wasn't completely what I was looking for...something felt amiss. There has to be more! Show me!

And I found myself listening to a telecall on Access Consciouseness. I didn't logically understand anything one bit..the facilitator asked questions and then said a funny sentence which went..right wrong good bad....and then uhhh what?...pod..boys..beyonds????... I found myself laughing..but by the fourth or the fifth question something shifted...i had tears in my eyes and I felt like a huge burden was just lifted off my shoulders. That's when I knew I wanted to know more about Access. It's now been over two years since my first BARS class that I attended. 

And LIFE IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!...everything has changed since Access. At 26, I now own a business renting and selling Massage tables, I am a teacher at a prestigious institution in Pune (Symbiosis), India, taking Consciousness Studies, a class for 18 to 25 year olds, I am a Djembe instructor, teaching drums (west African folk music) to Kids and Adults as means of therapy and change, a drum circle facilitator and of course conducting Access Bars and Access Body Process workshops. How does it get any better than this?? But i have just begun. If my life can change so drastically, i believe everyone's can. So I invite you to give yourself a chance to be happy, to be YOU.

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Tämä koulutus purkaa rajoitustesi perusteet, joiden pohjalta olet uskonut että sinun täytyy elää, ihan kuin sinulla ei olisi mitään muuta vaihtoehtoa! Koulutuksia järjestävät Access fasilitaattorit ympäri maailman. Foundation on 4 päivän intensiivinen tutkimusmatka siihen, mitä muita mahdollisuuksia sinulla on. Koulutus luo tietoisuutta tietoisuuden perustasta, jota et ole vielä elämässäsi käyttänyt!

Access Bars Koulutus

Access Bars on Access Conciousnessin ydin ja perusta. Se voi olla suurenmoisen seikkailun alku ja se voi olla jotain, mitä voit lisätä elämääsi luodaksesi helppoutta kaikkeen. Barsit ovat 32 tankoa päässäsi, jotka ovat yhdistyneet erilaisiin asioihin elämässäsi. Kosketa yhtä tankoa, ja puhdistat kyseiseen tankoon liittyvät lukkiutuneet energiat pelkällä kosketuksella.